Formula and properties

A cleaning liquid with a slightly basic pH value. It contains biodegradable surfactants. The formula is specially designed for use in the food industry. Wash mechanically or manually with a 0.5% solution, prepared using the concentrate. 

Intended for washing milking machines, other milking equipment, tables, containers, tools and auxiliary equipment.

Method of application

Wash manually with 0.5% working solution

Technical data

Appearance – clear, odourless liquid.

pH value -  slightly basic.

Use-by date - 12 months.

Pour point:  -8ş C.

Precautionary statements

1. Strong skin defatter

2. Use rubber gloves when working with the product


Pack sizes: 
1 kg, 5 kg, 20 kg
pH value: 
Alkaliczny (zasadowy)
Data sheet: 